Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Season of Self

Throughout the ages, we can tell a season is coming in or going out by looking at the trees and flowers. Every season has it's time to blossom and grow. It is a given that four seasons will appear throughout a year. What's not given, however, is the season we grant ourselves in order to blossom and grow.

To each their own and everything in its own time. Very cliche, but on point. We all need to find a time in which we are able to give ourselves an opportunity to heal, readjust and then blossom again. Without our own season, we are in limbo between what was and what will be. With our season, we are able to gain a clearer picture and direction.

Between relationships is the best time to invest in your season. Allow for time to heal from the hurts or disappointments of what was and reestablish yourself. Understand that moving from one union to another does not allow you to properly purge the old out of your system in order to set you up for the new. Instead, you confuse your mind, senses and spirit.

Fact is when we don't breathe between things we do, we are anxious in our new ventures. As a matter of fact, we don't leave time to properly define what was from what is and that leaves us with a sense of limbo. It is also not the proper beginning for anything new.

Enjoy your season of self. Learn more about yourself and more about the situations around you. Take time to invest in self and move from one position in life to another. Some seasons run longer than others. No one can set a time frame for when your season should be over. You will know when it's time to go from a dark and dreary place to an environment filled with color and joy.

You will relax in the newness of what's around you. As we most often do, we can recall situations and events from past seasons. Don't dwell on what's past. Instead purge what wasn't good and then plant bulbs of promise, you will see a vibrant path and one that will blossom all around you.

As with the change is season we see growth in everything around us. Get your season of self and watch how wonderful you grow after allowing time to nurture, heal and bloom.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Guilty as charged!

For all those times you were left wondering... Guilty

For causing you to fail at one thing or another because you were consumed by them...Guilty

For holding you back from your hopes and dreams...Guilty

For abusing your sense of right and wrong...Guilty

For cheating on you...Guilty

For leaving you to be mother and father (and vice versa)...Guilty

For not listening to you when you needed them most...Guilty

For not loving you as you love them...Guilty

My point is when are you going to understand the person you were with is guilty of so many things but you should not be imprisoned by their faults?

When we come to understand what aspect a person played in our lives, then we can begin to realize that he or she served a purpose; positive or negative. We may not want to see it, but it's there.

*He or she never listened to you. Now you stress communication in all your relationships.

*He or she didn't share the same level of respect towards you as you did them. Now you will not take disrespect from anyone.

*He or she convinced you that you are less than what you were created to be. Now you hold your head up high and refuse to be looked upon as anything less than the great person you are.

*He or she cheated and you forgave them only to have them cheat again. Now you see the signs and move away from the mess before it consumes you.

*He or she never encouraged you to do the things you aspired to do. Now you are your only hold up; you see a goal and go for it.

Every person we have ever been in a relationship with leaves a stamp on our lives. That stamp, however, doesn't have to take over ever single thought or waking moment. Whether good or bad, the person's behavior, or lack there of, should have brought about some realizations.

The results of a poll posted on this blog made me realize we need to work on our beautiful souls more. I asked "are you still holding onto hurt and pain from a past relationship?" Of the 11 respondents four have let go, two are still holding on and five sort of let go. I'm thankful to them for their honesty.

Many of us refuse to move past what someone has said or done, and we hold onto things we should have let go some time ago. Sadly, some words leave bigger scars than wounds. When a good thing has gone bad, most words are used to hurt or harm a person's self-esteem or self-worth. People don't know how to walk away gracefully. Instead, they cast a lot of their own insecurities upon you and leave you second guessing yourself.

The reality is they are hurting as much or more than you are. Hurt people...hurt people. That's real. People who are hurt will hurt someone closest to them.

The person is guilty of so many things, but when do you walk away from your own guilty sentence? That person probably hasn't given much thought to what they have said; they have moved on. We, however, sit and continually add time onto our sentence by reliving those words and actions. We often try and convict the innocent person, our new encounter, for all the things someone is our past should remain guilty of.

Two wrongs will never make anything right. Nothing self-inflicted, however, has to be permanent. Stop allowing yourself to be infected by all the hateful and hurtful things others have said about you. Recognize the great person you are.

Realize that when you are certain about your actions no one's negative words or negative actions can affect you. Free yourself and rise above it all. Leave the negative behind in an empty jail cell.
(Photo courtesy of Google images)

Monday, June 1, 2009

He said. She said.

I believe we do not listen to what the other person is saying. Most times we refuse to listen intently to what a person is telling us. Afterwards, we blame the other person for not being straightforward or for not stating things plainly. However, if we listened properly the first time, we would hear exactly what the person was saying (or not) and we would not hear what we want them to say.

He said.......I'm dating.

She said.....But, I'm so into you.

Stop wanting something that isn't there. He said he's dating which means he's not trying to settle down just yet. You cannot make anyone do something they just don't want to. Instead, understand the person is trying to do them for a time. If you interfere, you will bring about more hurt for yourself.

She said....I'm in a relationship.

He said....Are you happy?

WHAT? Okay, if a person is in a relationship, he or she is most likely a little happy or they wouldn't be in that situation. Instead of trying to make something out of nothing or offering "can I be your friend?," realize that we must learn to respect one another more when he or she says they are involved. Respect that person's union regardless of whether they are happy or not.

He said....I want to take things slow.

She said...Why? I don't understand.

Maybe some people need a brick dropped on them to recognize when a person isn't really feeling them. When a man or woman is into you, they will do whatever they can to be with you. If they are "taking it slow," that should be an indication that they are checking you out for one reason or another; good or bad. Instead of allowing yourself to be shelved, realize there are other opportunities (men or women) out there.

She said...It's a little complicated.

He said...Well, I'm still trying to be there, if you'll have me.

Realize that "complicated" is another word for the person having issues that may not be something you would want to deal with. People often think they have an "all-healing" presence and can usher people from an unclear situation into their light. It's just not that easy. I applaud those who can say "I'm going through a little something and need some time," instead of those who continually play with the emotions of others. In return, the other person should be conscious of a person's situation and leave them to work the situation out.

Life is complicated enough. We ingest a lot of information. Some of that information isn't really clear, but most is. The key problem is we don't want a person to say a particular thing. We would rather hear what we would like to hear. In the end, however, they reiterate what they have said all along and we are left contemplating why we had not opened our ears initially.

A lot of relationships begin and end with communication. Communication requires a sender, a receiver and feedback. If you're in the sender or receiver position and are unsure of what a person is saying, use the feedback in order to clarify things. Don't assume. We all know how that works out in the end. Never take anything for granted. The worse question to have is the one unasked. Be also prepared for the answer. Most of us will ask a question, but when the answer comes, we refute it; we are unprepared for the answer because it's the unpolluted truth.

Listen more. Decipher and analyze less. Understand what you're hearing is what the person is saying. If you hear something that seems convoluted, then it just may be. If what you hear is something you believe you are not prepared to deal with, then walk away. Don't remain in something simply because you believe you can sway a person to share your beliefs. In the end, it won't work.
(Photo courtesy of Google images)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Beautiful Soul

This particular blog should have been written first, but sometimes good things aren't always given to us up front!

I couldn't think of a title for the blog until I read two words at the end of my sister's text message. It said "Beautiful Soul" and I thought, 'Wow. That's a great set of words!' I had to use it! Thanks Cecile!!!

This blog came into existence so that I may share the advice I've given others on various relationship matters. I learned there can be no testimony without a test. We are brought into situations in order to learn and then testify on how we made it through. It is my hope that this blog will give you the vehicle you need to move past your past and share your own personal testimony with others.

As the bi-line of this blog says:
A blog to help release pain of past relationships and find your way back to a beautiful soul. A warm, fun and exciting way of letting go of the past and stepping into a beautiful future!

The blog's goal is to help someone, in some way, to release the pains of past hurts in order to build on a beautiful self, a beautiful future, and most importantly, a Beautiful Soul!

A Beautiful Soul means that you're okay with who you are and with the life experiences you have encountered. You are not perfect but all the good and bad events have not broken you. Instead, they made you stronger. You live life as best you can without allowing the trials and tribulations from your past to hold you back.

We all need a push from time to time. It can be hard putting yourself or what happened to you out there. It must happen in some fashion, however, so that you can learn from it and move on.

I intend to write about various matters, which I hope will touch the lives of women and men all around the world. ENJOY!!!
(Photo courtesy of Google images)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Deja Vu

Sometimes you are in a situation that reminds you of a previous place in your life. You realize that everything seems the same or, for a minute, you are back at a place from some time ago, however, you truly are not. In other words "the illusion of having previously experienced something actually being encountered for the first time." ( That is called Deja Vu.

We will step into situation(s) which may feel like something we have encountered in the past, but it will be entirely new and we should treat it as such. Take all the experiences and treat them as individual occurrences.

No two people can or will give you the same treatment. Do not allow minor similarities between one person, and someone from your past, to jump to the forefront. It is not good to hold others accountable for things they are not responsible for. Let that person carry their own load, instead of piling on something you are carrying from your past that another has left with you.

When that flash happens (for a second you feel as if a situation is repeating itself), stop and pay attention to how that specific memory or moment made you feel. Attempt to acknowledge where you are in your current relationship, and more specifically the instance that brought about the feeling of Deja Vu. Write it down, if necessary. Do what you can to understand why it is you're feeling the way you do but don't dwell there long.

Once we overcome a situation(s), we can then move forward with a better understanding of where we were and where we should be. Our trials and tribulations give us building blocks. Sometimes those situation(s) return again because we did not learn the first time around. Draw strength from the memory in order to propel yourself forward.

Don't live in the illusion of the Deja Vu. Instead, walk away with the understanding that some situations return so that we may now take note or make change as we move forward. Deja Vu can help but only if you allow it to be a brand new situation.

Pinning yourself under thoughts of how things could have or should have been won't help your current or future relationship(s). Again, use the building blocks life give you to rise above it all!

(Photo courtesy of Google images)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Know the back story

In life we are all not privy to someones back story but, we really should be. We should question those we are with or intend to be with to find out where they are coming from or better, where they have been in their life and living.

Knowing the back story defined as "1. The experiences of a character or the circumstances of an event that occur before the action or narrative of a literary, cinematic, or dramatic work; 2. A prequel" The Free Dictionary. You must know where a person is coming from in order to understand where they are going.

The ability to communicate is the greatest item a person possesses. Talking to someone or being inquisitive about how they came to be where they are, or how they are, is the best way to learn a person's back story. Knowing what a person has dealt with in their lives is a certain way to know how you must proceed with the individual, if at all.

In this McDonaldization of Society (wanting everything fast) we do not realize that certain things take time. We think we want to know everything, but our curiosity is not patient enough to sit still and find out everything we need to know before jumping into a relationship or to leave the person alone.

More often we go into situations with a predetermined desire or idea. Sometimes we judge a person by the way they look, which does both parties some injustice; we assume the best or worst of a person without truly getting to know them. It's only after we spend quality time learning a person, however, that we know who and what we are dealing with.

What's your back story? Even better, what's the back story of the person you are with or intend to be with? Have you sorted out all the intricacies of the individual?

In the past I, too, was guilty of not doing my homework or learning the full scope of a person before dating them. Once in the relationship, however, it may be a little too late to pull out (pardon my pun). We often dive into caring for and loving a person that may not be our proper fit, but that doesn't have to be.

I suggest we spend more time courting or dating the person we perceive may be right for us. Get to know where they came from physically, mentally and emotionally. Share your own back story, especially if it contains things which may hazardous to the other person's health. Allow yourself to take in all the person is sharing and then decide whether the totality of the situation is what you want to endeavor.

Gentlemen.....a friend of mine always said: A big booty and a smile can only last a while.

Ladies.....his suave and debonair styling may be just a puff of smoke covering the real person.

Let's work on putting forth all our cares and concerns and not be blinded by what we see initially. Learn the person. Allow them to learn you. Knowing the back story will help to build a great relationship.

(Photo courtesy of Getty Images)

Pick your colors wisely!

Okay, lets have a little fun on this blog and talk about color!

Do you know what your favorite color says about your personality. I found the greatest website. (Check it out for detail on other colors). The site breaks colors down as follows:

Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love.

Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation.

Yellow is the color of sunshine. It's associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.

Green is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety. Dark green is also commonly associated with money.

Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.

Purple combines the stability of blue and the energy of red. Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.

White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity. It is considered to be the color of perfection.

Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

You're probably like "she must not have anything to write about!" lol......that's absolutely false.

I sit and watch people. I see patterns in what people wear. Some probably don't realize they are prone to wear a certain color depending on a situation. People do gravitate towards a favorite color. I often wondered what that color said about them and their personality. In my inquisitive nature, I looked up colors.

I am fond of purple. Actually, I down-right love everything purple. I read what purple says about me and found it fit me to a tee! I was totally amazed by that.

Okay, so what's your favorite color? Does your color choice properly describe you or some of your traits and characteristics? I'm curious.

Stop through and share your thoughts.
(Picture courtesy of Google images)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Leaves, Branches and Trees

Have you seen the stage play "Madea Goes to Jail?" Well, Ma-to-the-D-E-A drops knowledgeable messages in every play!

One such message was: (I'm paraphrasing and putting my own spin on it)...

People are either leaves, branches or trees in our lives.

If a person is a leaf, they will blow away at the first sign of trouble. They are not strong people. Their place in your life should be minimal, because they will only be with and/or for you when times are good. The minute things get bad, they are out!

Then there are the branch people. These people are a little better than the leaves. They are a little stronger but can't really take the weight a true friendship holds; they break when things get too heavy for them to bare. When the branches break, you are left to fall flat on your back. A branch won't even have the stamina to reach down to pick you up. Branches want to support you but are good for your light-weight issues only!

Lastly, the tree people are the best and long lasting of them all. These people have roots firmly planted in your life. No matter the storm, they will stand firm. Tree people are grounded and not worried about how many leaves that blow off or branches that break. Tree people remain sturdy and prepared to help you with whatever life threw at you. These are the people you should try surround yourself with always!

Now, that little analogy should teach us something. We have different types of people in our lives, however, we need to make sure they are all in their proper categories. You don't want to give a leaf a tree's issues. It won't even be around to help you deal. You don't want to hold something back from the tree and give it to the branch. Before you know it, that person has broken down and can't be of any assistance to you.

The weak ones (leaves) need love as well, but make sure you don't put too much stock in that type of person/friend. The leaves are gone before you know it; they lack permanency. The moderate ones (branches) are so-so in the quality of friendship they will give and/or provide to you. Most often they are okay with your positive issues but when the weight of the negative issues hit, they are out. The strong ones (trees) have built their lives on a solid foundation. They are stable and understand nothing in life is perfect. When the storms of life roll in, you can stand behind them and feel comforted by the strength exhibited to help you wade out the storm(s).

I'm a firm believer that people come into our lives for a reason, season or lifetime. People are also broken down as a leaf, branch or tree in your life. Deposit those around you into the perfect category.

Classification works in every aspect of your life. We don't often put people in specific areas/places in our life, but we should.

The realities are: Everyone is not your "friend." Everyone doesn't have your best interests at heart. Everyone doesn't want you happy or to see any form of happiness around you. Everyone can't help you through everything life throws at you. We can't pick our battles, trials and tribulations, but we can pick the portion of a tree we choose to help us along.
(Picture courtesy of Google images)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Life Lessons

In life we will go through trials and tribulations, joys, ups and downs. In everything we encounter, we should take a life lesson from it and use that lesson to grow. Situations and people are brought into or taken away from your life for a reason. Look for a life lesson from all your encounters.

If something great happened, look to find what steps you took in order to conquer a feat or obtain a goal. If someone walks out of your life, look to see what possible thing he or she may have left for you to learn from. People leave marks in our lives whether we realize it or not. If a situation leaves you determined to succeed or determined never to fail or succumb, find the lesson and use that to propel you past your current position in life.

Everything we endure will cast a light upon us; negative or positive. A lot of what we go through will change the way we think and the manner in which we do things. More often we will step away from a situation uncertain about what lay ahead for us. In most instances, we opt not to look at what we have gained from the person or situation; we don't heed the life lesson.

Some lessons are given to us through others. It is not coincidence that you are in a particular person's life when something great or terrible happens. It may be that life lesson was not for you to experience directly but indirectly you needed that lesson in order to change or redirect your path. Never discount the events in your life or lives around you. Everything happens for a reason.

Our life lessons come along to shape us and to build our character. Some life lessons even provide the steps we need to rise above certain people, situations or obstacles.

Live you life knowing that in everything there is a lesson, whether you see it or not. Never forget that whether a situation proves bad or good there is a blessing for you to find. Don't throw away the pages to your book of life by not taking in the lessons or at least taking note.

I saw this and thought it was so appropriate:
"God doesn't give you the people you want. He gives you the people you NEED; to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be. " -- Anonymous

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Did you sink, swim or wade in the waters of life?

Did you sink, swim or wade in the waters of life after your last relationship?

To sink is to give into whatever a person put upon you at the end of the relationship. Your relationship cast a big weight of doubt upon you and left your mind, and heart heavy. Your self-esteem and self-worth has been rocked and you question so much about yourself and future relationship endeavors. In the end, you lack the energy required to move through the rest of your life.

To wade is not much better than sinking after a relationship. You resign yourself to consuming all a past relationship tossed upon you and are now content with remaining where you are in life and love. You know that you should be moving on, but staying in the waters of "hurt" makes you content. You're "maintaining," which means that you're not moving fast enough to truly stay afloat for very long.

To swim is to understand where you are in your life and to roll with the punches, after your relationship has ended. No matter the emotional stress your relationship put upon you, you realize that you're not to blame for the shortcomings of the person who you were with. Instead, you understand that the person had things with and within them that was not compatible to you. You swim knowing that you are no less of a person because of a failed relationship.

Far too often, we drown in the madness that surrounds us after a relationship is over. Sadly, we are also prone to bringing more weight with us while entering the waters of a fading(ed) relationship. We allow the person we were with to fill our hearts and minds with unnecessary things. We concentrate more on the negative of the relationship. We hold onto the minor "good" a relationship held and attempt to push those thoughts to the forefront as reason(s) for holding on.

Learn from a relationship's past experience(s). Find the lesson, learn from it and move on. Understand a person's role in your life is not as task master for your future. Instead, they may be the object you need to push you past a certain point in your life.

Everything happens for a reason. It may seem like the world has ended and you can't continue. Look for the blessing in everything and realize that the person wasn't meant for you because the relationship was allowing for your internal growth.

Swimming is great exercise. It works your body and heart. Choose to swim and get your entire self in order for the next great experience in love, life and living!!!
(Picture courtesy of Google images)

Monday, April 13, 2009


Never has so much finality to it, yet it's used so often. As defined by,

Never  /ˈnɛvər/ –adverb
1. not ever; at no time: Such an idea never occurred to me.
2. not at all; absolutely not: never mind; This will never do.
3. to no extent or degree: He was never the wiser for his experience.

In this blog, I ask you to open your mind to the possibility that never doesn't exist in most of our lives.

I have yet to find a person who can say they have never (or will never) experience all life has to offer and/or throw at us. Typically, when we hear of someone being abused or caught up in something crazy, we'll quickly add "that will never be me" or "that will never happen to me," yet we don't know what life has in store for us or those in and around our lives.

You may believe that the actions of others do not affect you because of your current state. To say something will never happen to you and you still have so much life to live, however, is a stretch. Being judgmental of others and their situations is not a good trait. No one should be critical of others. No one's life is "perfect." Nothing in this life is perfect.

I wrote this blog in order for people to embrace the fact that we are not all going to deal with the same situations throughout this life, however, we will still have some trials and tribulations to endure. The thing that changes from individual to individual will be the level of difficulty in dealing with a particular situation and/or the time you spend laid up, out of commission or even sullen, while trying to understand why a particular thing has come into your life.

Albeit our tests won't be the same, our testimonies will. We need to learn from whatever ordeal/loss we suffer. In some small way, share it with another who has yet to face that particular issue or who may not be as strong as you to speak their troubles aloud. You never know who you're helping when you share.

Our trials come into our lives for a reason. Our trials come to make us strong. At times trials and tribulations come in order to show you something and/or to prepare you for the person who will approach you with a similar story or situation. Lift up one another and stop tearing the person(s) down because they went through something you may YET experience.

I say be cautious of what you say never to, because what we put out in the universe always returns.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Response to Yovnda

I hope my response to a comment Yovnda had to the "Get over It" post will help someone else.

She wrote: "Joyce i be trying to leave him because i know the feeling between us is gone we will get along for a week and next week we will be beefing over something petty as him being mad because my son's father bought me a chicken box he just so insecure about everything but i been through so much i don't even care no more my feeling is not the same and i know as soon as i get over this loneliness feeling i will completely let him go i just be praying asking God to take the desire away but i know i came a long way because i use to let him upset me but i don't even get mad no more because the more we beef the further my feeling for him die away and i know it's a matter of time i will walk away and don't turn back."

Yovnda...I understand where you are coming from, but I’m confused. You said you are done and don’t care about him or the relationship. My question to you is, WHAT’S HOLDING YOU BACK FROM LEAVING?

Your mate is giving signs of a man that’s not satisfied or may be looking for an out himself. He’s picking fights over things that are insignificant. He’s not giving you anything worthwhile; he’s not feeding your emotional soul.

Love is not supposed to hurt. It may feel funny at times, but it's not supposed to make you feel lost within your relationship.

He is not my concern, however, you are. You speak on getting over loneliness in order to completely let him go. So, are you settling? Having part of a man is just as bad as having no man at all.

God is here to help us, but we must begin by helping ourselves first. You need to start loving who you are for every good and bad feature and characteristic. You need to realize that you are more than comforted by HIS presence and your love for yourself. Loving you is what will give you the ability to shut down those relationships that are unnecessary and draining.

A friend gave me a piece titled “Energy Vampires.” It speaks of those individuals who leave you drained and tired of dealing and listening to their constant melodrama. It would appear the person you are in a relationship with is an energy vampire. So, do you continue to live having him suck the very life out of you?

You must realize where you are in life and whether it can get better or should simply be let you. Going back to an old post, you need to get your garden in order. The man is a weed. He appears to be infecting everything around you. Don’t let it continue or you’ll never be able to see the sun. The weeds will kill your entire precious garden and life.

Remember to always love you first. Fall back in love with Yovnda again.

Once you begin to love you, you will realize that no other person can grant or take away your joy! You will have total control.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Is your garden in order?

More often we wonder why certain things or people have been removed from our lives. What occurs is our garden (our lives) is pruned.

If you've ever worked in a garden, you know that plants, shrubs and flowers grow best when they are cut back. In the same vein, our lives require the same care and attention.

In order to grow, you must be ready to plant seeds of hope in your garden. You must be willing to let go of those things that are no good for you. They are weeds. Weeds often disguise themselves with flowers. If not removed they slowly take over your garden.

To have a beautiful life (garden) you need to rid yourself of the weeds (people that are holding you back, people and things taking over your life and whatever is stopping your growth).

You must give your life the same care and attention that you do your garden. You don’t leave weeds to take over the garden. You pull and clip them until they are all gone and never to return. You work until you see the wonderful colors, fragrant flowers that a well-kept garden has.

On another note, you must not wish for the return of people you know, in your heart, are no good for you or your garden. Everything happens for a reason. Most times, the removal of bad people and situations is the work of a higher power. Those items are removed so that you can finally blossom and grow. You were pruned.

Allow yourself the time necessary to let your garden bloom without the threat of weeds taking it over and killing everything you are trying to do that will benefit you.

It is almost April. We know that April showers bring May flowers. This is your season. It’s time to put those weeds in the garbage; out of your life so that your garden can grow. Moreover, get rid of those weeds (the people who aren’t good for you, negative thinking, the distractions and whatever is holding you back), so that the beauty of new flowers with great colors can shine through.

When you realize that you don’t need those items (the weeds) in order to grow, you will come into the sun. The sun will cast an awesome glow and you will require only moderate care to continue to blossom.

After you take care of that patch, more people will see and appreciate the wonders of your garden and life!
Photo courtesy of

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Get over it!

Come on. It's time to leave the past in the past. No one should ever want to live in remnants of past hurt and pain.

Okay, so he or she did something that will last in your heart forever. Did that person affect everything in your life that much? Can you link that experience(s) to some misfortune you're enduring today? Probably not!

Most people use bad past experiences as the reason why most of their present situations are not going well. Instead of seeking the lesson(s) we can from past interactions, we hold onto the bad vibes as the Bible to our future life and living.

GET OVER IT. No one and nothing should have that much power and control over you.

With every experience, we should seek to find the lesson or blessing. Instead of burying yourself in a world of "woe is me," find the key item that person or persons deposited into your life. Take the "bad" experience and cast it into the wind, after you've purged it from your being.

Seek to use that portion of the event to propel yourself to great heights. Learn how to balance the good and bad in a way that doesn’t destroy you.

In its place unearth the greatness within yourself and understand that you are not responsible for the actions or mistreatment of others. That person was simply not the right fit for you.

Go forward with the understanding that you are made to endure bad and good things. You are not, however, made to keep and carry all those negative items with you forever.

So, come on and get over it. Cleanse yourself of all the things you’ve been carrying for so long. Give the negative energy back to that person. Pick up some positive and use it to refine yourself and your soul!