Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Life Lessons

In life we will go through trials and tribulations, joys, ups and downs. In everything we encounter, we should take a life lesson from it and use that lesson to grow. Situations and people are brought into or taken away from your life for a reason. Look for a life lesson from all your encounters.

If something great happened, look to find what steps you took in order to conquer a feat or obtain a goal. If someone walks out of your life, look to see what possible thing he or she may have left for you to learn from. People leave marks in our lives whether we realize it or not. If a situation leaves you determined to succeed or determined never to fail or succumb, find the lesson and use that to propel you past your current position in life.

Everything we endure will cast a light upon us; negative or positive. A lot of what we go through will change the way we think and the manner in which we do things. More often we will step away from a situation uncertain about what lay ahead for us. In most instances, we opt not to look at what we have gained from the person or situation; we don't heed the life lesson.

Some lessons are given to us through others. It is not coincidence that you are in a particular person's life when something great or terrible happens. It may be that life lesson was not for you to experience directly but indirectly you needed that lesson in order to change or redirect your path. Never discount the events in your life or lives around you. Everything happens for a reason.

Our life lessons come along to shape us and to build our character. Some life lessons even provide the steps we need to rise above certain people, situations or obstacles.

Live you life knowing that in everything there is a lesson, whether you see it or not. Never forget that whether a situation proves bad or good there is a blessing for you to find. Don't throw away the pages to your book of life by not taking in the lessons or at least taking note.

I saw this and thought it was so appropriate:
"God doesn't give you the people you want. He gives you the people you NEED; to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be. " -- Anonymous

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