Sometimes you are in a situation that reminds you of a previous place in your life. You realize that everything seems the same or, for a minute, you are back at a place from some time ago, however, you truly are not. In other words "the illusion of having previously experienced something actually being encountered for the first time." ( That is called Deja Vu.
We will step into situation(s) which may feel like something we have encountered in the past, but it will be entirely new and we should treat it as such. Take all the experiences and treat them as individual occurrences.
No two people can or will give you the same treatment. Do not allow minor similarities between one person, and someone from your past, to jump to the forefront. It is not good to hold others accountable for things they are not responsible for. Let that person carry their own load, instead of piling on something you are carrying from your past that another has left with you.
When that flash happens (for a second you feel as if a situation is repeating itself), stop and pay attention to how that specific memory or moment made you feel. Attempt to acknowledge where you are in your current relationship, and more specifically the instance that brought about the feeling of Deja Vu. Write it down, if necessary. Do what you can to understand why it is you're feeling the way you do but don't dwell there long.
Once we overcome a situation(s), we can then move forward with a better understanding of where we were and where we should be. Our trials and tribulations give us building blocks. Sometimes those situation(s) return again because we did not learn the first time around. Draw strength from the memory in order to propel yourself forward.
Don't live in the illusion of the Deja Vu. Instead, walk away with the understanding that some situations return so that we may now take note or make change as we move forward. Deja Vu can help but only if you allow it to be a brand new situation.
Pinning yourself under thoughts of how things could have or should have been won't help your current or future relationship(s). Again, use the building blocks life give you to rise above it all!
We will step into situation(s) which may feel like something we have encountered in the past, but it will be entirely new and we should treat it as such. Take all the experiences and treat them as individual occurrences.
No two people can or will give you the same treatment. Do not allow minor similarities between one person, and someone from your past, to jump to the forefront. It is not good to hold others accountable for things they are not responsible for. Let that person carry their own load, instead of piling on something you are carrying from your past that another has left with you.
When that flash happens (for a second you feel as if a situation is repeating itself), stop and pay attention to how that specific memory or moment made you feel. Attempt to acknowledge where you are in your current relationship, and more specifically the instance that brought about the feeling of Deja Vu. Write it down, if necessary. Do what you can to understand why it is you're feeling the way you do but don't dwell there long.
Once we overcome a situation(s), we can then move forward with a better understanding of where we were and where we should be. Our trials and tribulations give us building blocks. Sometimes those situation(s) return again because we did not learn the first time around. Draw strength from the memory in order to propel yourself forward.
Don't live in the illusion of the Deja Vu. Instead, walk away with the understanding that some situations return so that we may now take note or make change as we move forward. Deja Vu can help but only if you allow it to be a brand new situation.
Pinning yourself under thoughts of how things could have or should have been won't help your current or future relationship(s). Again, use the building blocks life give you to rise above it all!
(Photo courtesy of Google images)
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