Beep! Beep! Get out my lane!!!
You don't actually hear people make that statement, but you hear the horn. Some people make that "learn your lane" statement, by way of their actions every day.
Learning how to stay in your lane goes for most things in life. In this instance, it refers to a relationship or a non-relationship relationship. We need to learn how to maintain the proper perspective on our position in life as well as in and out of relationships.
If you entered into a relationship and you both agreed that you both want to maintain a 'friendship with benefits' type of relationship, then you must hold that lane. If you entered into a relationship and you both agreed to be exclusive, then you must maintain that lane. On the flip side if your relationship is over, then you need to realize that you should have exited the highway long ago. No need to hold on. No chasing down a person who does not want you on the same street as them. Notice the word both is italicized. There's no such thing as a team of one, no matter how hard you try.
Learn your lane. Realize that a situation has come about for a specific reason. No need to want to maintain the fast lane, when you're stuck in traffic in the slow lane and no one wants to let you over. Signal as you may, if the person you're with has certain intentions about you, then they will hold you to that position no matter how much you protest.
Learn how to stay in your lane. There's NO coincidence that most highways have at least three lanes. The fast lane; you and your mate are on the same path and moving forward. The middle lane; you and your mate can take it or leave it and nothing has been fully established. The slow lane; you can exit or maybe one person in the relationship already has. In either case, you don't and won't make it to any of the other lanes alone.
Learn your lane or learn how to let go! I wrote the "Let it Go" piece a while back because it was necessary for me to learn how to leave the past in the past; learn my lane. We all need to learn how to maintain our self-respect when it comes to certain situations. No need to profess something is when it clearly isn't. No one looks crazy but YOU!
Learn how to stay in your lane. If you're unsure about your lane, then that's a conversation you and your mate need to have to make sure you're both traveling at the same speed or better, in the same vehicle and direction.
So, if you hear someone beeping, and you know you're in the proper lane, check your rear view and keep it moving. When you are sure about your position in life and your relationship, you will have a clearer mindset when it comes to everything around you.
Realize you can't get any where driving reverse on a highway built to go forward!
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