Friday, October 8, 2010

Examine your breakfast as a relationship!

Think about this: The chicken is involved but the pig is committed. You get it?

On your plate lay scrambled eggs and bacon. You have two items that will both satisfy your hunger, yet both come into it unequal.

Let's break it down. The chicken laid an egg and contributed to the meal; he was involved. It had input into the meal, however, nothing monumental was given. If needed, the chicken can be involved in other aspects of that meal (aka relationships) or others. Mere involvement in your relationship is good, however, it really doesn't satisfy you if the chicken (your mate) can't commit. Knowing that you're involved and not committed is half stepping.

The pig, however, gave its life for the meal. There was no half stepping with the pig. In order for you to receive your bacon, that pig had to die; he had to commit. Commitment to your relationship shows true knowledge of the heart and which direction you and your mate are going in. Without commitment, there can be no fully satisfying relationship (meal).

See when we are simply involved in a relationship, we often times have a take it or leave it mentality; your head won't commit. When we commit, however, we're all in. There's no turning back. We go for it because our heart is settled.

So, which are you....the chicken or the pig? Are you simply involved in your relationship or are you committed? Chew on it!


  1. Girl I'm both! I'm involved and committed to one self for I is Single!

  2. Great blog Joyce, I am the pig, very much committed.


Thanks so much for leaving a message. I hope you were blessed by what you read. Have a great day!