Saturday, July 10, 2010

Pendulum Effect

Ever feel yourself swinging back and forth between people or situations in your life; those things and people good for you and those you should let go? Well, you are not alone.

We leave relationships that are not good for us and move on only to return in one way or another. The same exists with other negative situations; we find ourselves venturing back. We wish ourselves with the person who wasn't our perfect fit instead of forging ahead to a brand new beginning. We wish ourselves back in a situation that regrettably isn't worth our time and/or effort.

In the odd chance we move forward quickly, we compare the person we met to the one we broke up with. We use the small amount of good times from a bad, past relationship to judge the current, new person instead of looking at the person as their own entity.

What about going back to a relationship, that you were not satisfied in, is truly satisfying? You compliment that person that's done you wrong by wanting another go at a bad thing. Find yourself, find your worth and then forge ahead and find someone who will love you for all that you are. Don't pretend to be something you're not in order to satisfy another. Satisfy yourself first!

When that pendulum has finally stopped, MOVE ON and begin anew. It won't feel good when you start, but after you receive new joys, you will feel better!

Finally, I leave you with something to think about. Sometimes when you are right, you will still be wrong; when its worth it, you will make time, even when none exist; and when you are finally through, your heart will tell you, you've had enough.

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