Friday, December 10, 2010

Your TIONS in order?

I heard some people recently tell me that they don't have this and that or don't require this or that in a mate, however, there are four simple TIONS that every person should come into a relationship with. For that matter, we should have our own personal TIONS lined up as a matter of self growth.

Your TIONS are: educaTION, occupaTION, transportaTION and habitaTION! It is just that simple!

Get yourself an education. No one can take your education from you! An education will also help you to promote yourself in your current position. Employers reward employees for obtaining a higher education.

Get yourself an occupation. Find something you love and go do it OR do the best in the position you have! Jobs are good, but careers are always better.

Get yourself some transportation. Everyone needs to be able to get where they are going on their own. No one wants to be a burden to their friends or in their relationship. Obtain a license, and get yourself some reliable transportation.

Get yourself your own place to lay your head. A small place of your own is always better than relying on others to provide a roof over your head. It does not have to be the Taj Mahal, but it will be yours.

Bringing these simple items into any mix will give a fresh start every situation.

So, do you have your TIONS in order? Does your mate?

Do not put a person out of your life for their lack of a TION here and there, but instead lift them up with encouragement and push them towards obtaining their own. In the end, you both will flourish and simple complaints, hassles and disagreements will not come into the mix.


Thanks so much for leaving a message. I hope you were blessed by what you read. Have a great day!